A popup that displays information related to an element when the element receives keyboard focus or the mouse hovers over it.
- Provider to control display delay globally.
- Opens when the trigger is focused or hovered.
- Closes when the trigger is activated or when pressing escape.
- Supports custom timings.
Install the component from your command line.
cargo add radix-yew-tooltip
Import all parts and piece them together.
use radix_yew_tooltip::*;
use yew::prelude::*;
fn Anatomy() -> Html {
html! {
<TooltipTrigger />
<TooltipArrow />
API Reference
Wraps your app to provide global functionality to your tooltips.
Prop | Type | Default |
delay_duration | i32 | 700 |
skip_delay_duration | i32 | 300 |
disable_hoverable_content | Option<bool> | - |
Contains all the parts of a tooltip.
Prop | Type | Default |
default_open | Option<bool> | - |
open | Option<bool> | - |
on_open_change | Callback<bool> | - |
delay_duration | Option<i32> | - |
disable_hoverable_content | Option<bool> | - |
The button that toggles the tooltip. By default, the TooltipContent
will position itself against the trigger.
Prop | Type | Default |
as_child | Callback<TooltipTriggerChildProps, Html> | - |
Data attribute | Values |
[data-state] | "closed" | "delayed-open" | "instant-open" |
When used, portals the content part into the body
Prop | Type | Default |
force_mount | Option<bool> | - |
container | Option<web_sys::Element> | - |
container_ref | Option<NodeRef> | - |
The component that pops out when the tooltip is open.
Prop | Type | Default |
as_child | Option<Callback<TooltipContentChildProps, Html>> | - |
on_escape_key_down | Callback<KeyboardEvent> | - |
on_pointer_down_outside | Callback<PointerDownOutsideEvent> | - |
force_mount | Option<bool> | - |
side | Side | Side::Top |
side_offset | f64 | 0.0 |
align | Align | Align::Center |
align_offset | f64 | 0.0 |
avoid_collisions | bool | true |
collision_boundary | Vec<web_sys::Element> | vec![] |
collision_padding | Padding | Padding::All(0.0) |
sticky | Sticky | Sticky::Partial |
hide_when_detatched | bool | false |
Data attribute | Values |
[data-state] | "closed" | "delayed-open" | "instant-open" |
[data-side] | "left" | "right" | "bottom" | "top" |
[data-align] | "start" | "end" | "center" |
CSS Variable | Description |
--radix-tooltip-content-transform-origin | The transform-origin computed from the content and arrow positions/offsets. |
--radix-tooltip-content-available-width | The remaining width between the trigger and the boundary edge. |
--radix-tooltip-content-available-height | The remaining height between the trigger and the boundary edge. |
--radix-tooltip-trigger-width | The width of the trigger. |
--radix-tooltip-trigger-height | The height of the trigger. |
An optional arrow element to render alongside the tooltip. This can be used to help visually link the trigger with the TooltipContent
. Must be rendered inside TooltipContent
Prop | Type | Default |
as_child | Option<Callback<TooltipArrowChildProps, Html>> | - |
width | f64 | 10.0 |
height | f64 | 5.0 |
Keyboard Interactions
Key | Description |
Tab | Opens/closes the tooltip without delay. |
Space | If open, closes the tooltip without delay. |
Enter | If open, closes the tooltip without delay. |
Escape | If open, closes the tooltip without delay. |
Custom APIs